Saturday, November 17, 2007

writer's burn

pens, half-eaten pack of "Quick-Eze" antacid chews & lighter


Kaps said...

Did you find all this in one pocket? LOL.

Alysia said...


Lucy Lu said...

i would be interested to know why one person carries around 5 pens in their pocket. thats quite amusing really. cool blog too

Leonard Alaza said...

Very interesting blog! I'm a writer and I do carry lots of pens in my pocket plus gums. Just a bad habit I guess.

Ed T. said...

great blog, I did custodian work for a tiny while at a university, you wouldn't beleive how many pens i would pick up each night, hundreds a week at least.

Venus Writes said...

Cute idea for a blog:)

BVM said...

I can't fit a pen in my pocket without stabbing myself. You're my hero.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Totally unexpected.

shaga blog said...

Wow ! Good !!!